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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Smartballs Teneo Duo ~ Review and Discount Code  


I received the Smartballs Teneo Duo to review from Fascinations, and despite complaints I have seen on other reviews on their size I had no problems with them.

My husband did mention that I felt tighter, but that could also be because he had been away for a month and he is bigger than most of my toys! I have always wondered, and still people can claim to have an orgasm simply by walking around with these balls inserted. The little balls rolling around inside did give the occasional pleasant feeling, but nothing remotely close to orgasm. They are also nice for staying naturally lubricated throughout the day.

I decided to publish the review on my other blog, since I think it is very tasteful and more of a tool than a sex toy so if you would like to read it please check it out here!

I hope it isn't too much trouble for anyone and love comments :)

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1 comments: to “ Smartballs Teneo Duo ~ Review and Discount Code

  • June 27, 2010 at 1:37 AM  

    I read you full review on your other blog, but wanted to comment here as it is sex toy related.

    I just reviewed (post pending) a set of small ben wa balls, but they sucked, So I've asked to have the smartballs sent out so I can at least compare the two products.

    I too had a child very young and worried about returning to normal afterwards (he was 10 & a half lbs) and wish I'd had something as fun as these to help with the Kegels.

    Am really looking forward to receiving my smartballs to review after reading your review