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Thursday, September 16, 2010

I'm still here!  


Sorry for disappearing for a bit there! I have so many things I am working on right now I am having a hard time sorting it all out to make time for each thing! I have a couple reviews here that are ready to go but I wanted to add my own photos and since my other computer crashed that hasn't happened but will get them up soon.

I also have another sexy giveaway coming up soon but until then you might be interested in entering one or more of the giveaways on my other blog (Misfit Momma)? Mostly kids stuff since I am running a back to school event, but I am also giving away a Powermat which is a really cool gadget for charging multiple phones and other devices at once.

It has a USB port which is nice and it just so happens that I recently won a Pocket Fairy from Femenina Deliciosa which charges via USB so instead of having to use my computer I can charge this baby right next to my bed! If you have my button or subscribe to this blog you can use those as entries if you don't want to subscribe or add my other button :)

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