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Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween #FAIL  


I have always decorated my house on the first of October and celebrated all month long. Tradition I got from my Dad I suppose, he loved dressing up in something scary just so he could jump around the corner to scare me.

This year, I didn't even bring down my boxes of decorations.

You ever get so busy doing things that you know a special date is coming up, but you put it off so much that it's too late before you even know what happened?

As a double fail, another part of my traditions is to take photos of the kids, maybe even a video or two of them trick or treating at the well decorated houses. Well, I couldn't find my damn camera!

I still can't find it today.

The last time I remember using it was when I uploaded the photos for my Pop Plugs review. I used to always keep it in my purse, but I haven't been using the purse lately and have been keeping it on the bookshelf. I have looked everywhere else that I would normally leave it and it isn't there!

I'm not quite in panic mode yet, but I need my camera!!

My son spilled milk on my keyboard yesterday and broke it, I am slightly worried that the camera was also on my desk and that he might have hidden it worried he was going to get into trouble for breaking it too. Wish me luck in finding it *not broken* in some strange place.

**Update: I found it, safe and sound. Turned out it was on the shelf, but there are two shelves. It was on the shelf that I normally wouldn't put it on and something else was put in front of it!

What next?

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