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Saturday, May 29, 2010

The difference it makes...  


Using a sex toy on your self vs. having someone else use it on you always brings completely different experiences. Sometimes it makes it worse due to poor communication, but the times it makes it better always amaze me. Last night we were playing with one of the adult toys that I am reviewing, and with purely using it solo I was ready to give it an "ok" review. But after having a bed soaking orgasm with it last night, my opinion has changed to "Buy it NOW!"

I didn't even know which toy he was using, and when I asked which one it was after I was surprised when he told me it was Bandito. He told me, it wasn't the toy that was amazing babe -it was me- make sure you put that in your review! Well, I don't know about that hun, but thanks for rockin' my world! (and teaching me "the right way" to use bandito)

Review coming soon ♥

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